Rens Vliegenthart
Rens Vliegenthart
Chair Strategic Communication
Communication theory
Comparative research
Political processes
Political trust
Communication sciences
Communication strategy
Public opinion
Sanne Kruikemeier
Sanne Kruikemeier
Personal Professor
Choice behaviour
Political conflicts
Political processes
Interdisciplinary research
Political power
Social media
Big data
Communication sciences
Sophie Boerman
Sophie Boerman
Associate Professor
Persuasive communication
Digital communication
Marijn Poortvliet
Marijn Poortvliet
Interim chair Strategic Communication
Agricultural innovation
Human-technology interactions
Life science hazards
Risk communication
Risk perception
Sustainable behavior
Margit van Wessel
Margit van Wessel
Strategic communication
- Citizen engagement
- Civil society
- Advocacy and advocacy evaluation
- Communicative governance
- Organizational communication
Jasper de Vries
Jasper de Vries
Strategic Communication
Spatial planning
Environmental communication
Bob Mulder
Bob Mulder
Strategic Communication
Sociale psychologie
Katharine Legun
Katharine Legun
Strategic Communication
- Technology governance in agriculture
- Science communication
- Deliberative democracy
- Aesthetics and politics
- Environmental sociology
Marleen Buizer
Marleen Buizer
Strategic Communication
- Sustainable cities
- Science-Society Interaction
- Discourse Analysis
- Deliberative Democracy
Joanne Leerlooijer
Joanne Leerlooijer
Knowledge, Technology and Innovation
- Health promotion
- Intervention mapping
- Behaviour change interventions
Eva Meijer
Eva Meijer
Strategic Communication
- Technology governance in agriculture
- Science communication
- Deliberative democracy
- Aesthetics and politics
- Environmental sociology
Rolien Willmes
Rolien Willmes
Stategic Communication
- Communication strategies
- Marketing and PR
- Online communication
- Intervention planning
- Applied research methods
Julia Shen
Julia Shen
Stategic Communication
- Consumer behaviour
- Identity
Vincent Blok
Vincent Blok
Interim chair Philosophy
- Responsible innovation,
- Philosophy of technolgy and innovation
- Business ethics
- Philosophy of management
Bernice Bovenkerk
Bernice Bovenkerk
Interim chair Philosophy
- Environmental philosophy
- Animal enthics
- Deliberative democracy
- Climate ethics
Bart Gremmen
Bart Gremmen
- Ethics in life sciences
- Responsible innovation
- Animal welfare
- Genetic modification
- Gene editing
Jan van der Stoep
Jan ven der Stoep
Endowed Professor of Christian Philosophy
Food ethics
Development cooperation
Annabelle Dufourcq
Annabelle Dufourcq
Endowed Profeer of Philosophy
Beatrijs Haverkamp
Beatrijs Haverkamp
- Bio-ethics
- Public health ethics
- Health disparities
- Political philosophy
Philippe van Basshuysen
Philippe van Basshuysen
- Public health
- Development and use of novel technologies
- Design and regulation of markets
Josette Jacobs
Josette Jacobs
- Intercultural conversation
- Art appreciation
- Visual Thinking Strategy
- Community based learning
Zoë Robaey
Zoë Robaey
Moral responsibility
Risk and uncertainty
Ethics of technology
Responsible Innovation
Shahin Nasiri
Shahin Nasiri Philosophy
Leon Pijnenburg
Leon Pijnenburg
Education coordinator Philosophy
- Theory of democracy
- Foodbank
- African political philosophy
- Rationality and communication
Luis Reyes Galindo
Luis Reyes Galindo
- Theory of democracy
- Foodbank
- African political philosophy
- Rationality and communication
Anita Hardon
Anita Hardon
Chair Knowledge, Technolgy and Innovation
- Anthropology of Health and Care
- Planetary Health
- Interdisciplinarity and collaborative research
- Transitions in socio-technical systems
Personal website
Laurens Klerkx
Laurens Klerkx
Knowledge, Technology and Innovation
Interim chair Strategic Communication
- Agricultural innovation systems
- Boundary work and objects
- Open and inclusive innovation
- Food value chains
- Sustainability transitions
Cees Leeuwis
Cees Leeuwis
Knowledge, Technology and Innovation
- Innovation support
- Communication & change
- Science-society interaction
- Agriculture, health & resource management
Phil Macnaghten
Phil Macnaghten
Knowledge, Technology and Innovation
- Responsible innovation
- Science and society relations
- Governance of agricultural biotechnology
- Qualitative methodology
Conny Almekinders
Conny Almekinders
Knowledge, Technology and Innovation
- Participatory technology development
- Seed systems
- Interdisciplinary and action research
- Rural innovation
David Ludwig
David Ludwig
Knowledge, Technology and Innovation
- Science and democracy
- Ethnobiology and local knowledge
- Diversity in science and technology
- Responsible research and innovation
Barbara van Mierlo
Barbara van Mierlo
Knowledge, Technology and Innovation
- Science-society interaction
- Interaction analysis
- Food health and environment
- Science and technology communication
Annemarie van Paassen
Annemarie van Paassen
Knowledge, Technology and Innovation
- Social learning for sustainable agriculture
- ICT and rural development
- Innovation systems
- Inclusive innovation
- Action research
Harro Maat
Harro Maat
Knowledge, Technology and Innovation
- Grassroots innovation
- Sustainable food production
- Anthropology of skill and technique
- Global Health
- One Health
- Community Health
Sietze Vellema
Sietze Vellema
Knowledge, Technolgy and Innovation
- Value chains and partnerships
- Trade and collectivity
- Coordination and improvisation
- Interdisciplinarity and practice
Birgit Boogaard
Birgit Boogaard
Knowledge, Technology and Innovation
- African philosophy
- Agricultural development
- Interdisciplinary research
- Intercultural dialogue
Rico Lie
Rico Lie
Knowledge, Technology and Innovation
- Communication for development
- Intercultural communication
- Audio-visual learning
- Tourism and development
Michelle Habets
Michelle Habets
Knowledge, Technology and Innovation
- (Bio)ethics
- Genetics
- Multi-stakeholder processes
- Experimental evolution
- Technology assessment
- Governance
- Public participation
Eva Meier
Eva Meier
Knowledge, Technology and Innovation
Education coordinator COM and KTI
- Interdisciplinary research
- Knowledge
- Sustainable development,
- International development
Auke Pols
Auke Pols
Knowledge, Technology and Innovation
- Responsible research & innovation
- Ethics of technology
- Sustainability transitions
- Energy technologies
Raoul Beunen
Raoul Beunen
Guest researcher
- Environmental policy and planning
- Adaptive governance and sustainability
Stephen Sherwood
Stephen Sherwood
Guest researcher
- Modern food and agriculture
- Sociology of change
- Social movements
- Equity, health and sustainability
Loes Witteveen
Loes Witteveen
Guest researcher
- Communication for social change
- Mediated learning
- Development studies
Dvora Yanow
Dvora Yanow
Guest researcher
- Communication of meaning in organizational and policy settings
Luana Poliseli Ramos
Luana Poliseli Ramos
Theory of democracy
- Environmental sciences
- Visualization
- Research methodology
- Philosophy of science
- Interdisciplinary research
- Knowledge
- Life sciences
- Ethnography
- Arts-based research methods
- Sustainability science
- Qualitative methods
- Transdisciplinary research
- Aesthetics of science
- Scientific understanding
Luis Reyes Galindo
Luis Reyes Galindo
- Theory of democracy
- Foodbank
- African political philosophy
- Rationality and communication
Stephanie Begemann
Stephanie Bregemann
Knowledge, Technology and Innovation
- Mission-oriented innovation policy
- Dutch circular agricultural mission
- Transformative governance
- Policy practices
Sarah Cummings
Sarah Cummings
Knowledge, Technology and Innovation
Bart Kamphorst
Bart Kamphorst
- Personal autonomy
- Privacy
- Behavior change
- Persuasive technology
- E-coaching systems
- Procrastination
- Artificial Intelligence
Paulan Korenhof
Paulan Korenhof
- Philosophy of technology
- Digital technology
- Digital twins
- Privacy
- Autonomy
Matthias Kramm
Matthias Kramm
Knowledge, Technology and Innovation
- Development Ethics
- Capability Approach
- Indigenous Philosophies
- Political Philosophy
Adina Nerghes
Adina Nerghes
Strategic Communication
- Social media
- Social network analysis & theory
- Text mining
- Big data
Mira Vegter
Mira Vegter
Remko Voogd
Remko Voogd
Strategic Communication
Public trust
Water governance networks
Political behavior
Quantitative analyses
Katharina Biely
Katharina Biely
Knowledge, Technology and Innovagtion
Systems analysis
Sustainable development
Sustainability transitions
Sustainability science
Mark Ryan
Mark Ryan
Vitor Renck Maciel
Mariana Hase Ueta
Knowledge, Technology and Innovation
Edwin Nuijten
Edwin Nuijten
Knowledge, Technology and Innovation
- Development sociology
- Plant breeding
- Plant genetic resources
- Tropical agriculture
- Organic farming
- Organic plant breeding
- Adaptation
- Agricultural development
- Interdisciplinary research
- West Africa
- Gender
- Gene flow
- Genetic diversity
- Genotype environment interaction, Rice
- Rural sociology
- Seeds
- Selection methods
- Sustainable development
Mariana Hase Ueta
Mariana Hase Ueta
Development sociology
Jennifer Koelman
Jennifer Koelman
Deputy administrator
0317 - 482447
Meta Bakker
Meta Bakker
Deputy administrator
0317 - 483539
Inge Ruisch
Inge Ruisch
0317 - 482776
Bea Prijn
Bea Prijn
Education desk
Deputy administrator
0317 - 484178
Cathelijne Goossens
Cathelijne Goossens
Education desk
0317 - 486035
Anja van Druten
Marleen Buizer
Strategic Communication
- Sustainable cities
- Science-Society Interaction
- Discourse Analysis
- Deliberative Democracy
Germaine Dunselman
Germaine Dunselman
Education desk
0317 - 484310
Kimberly Boss
Kimberly Boss
Office Manager
0317 - 484503 |
Jessica van der Biezen
Jessica van der Biezen
Management Office Assistant
0317 - 486856 |
Lucien von Schomberg
Anja van Druten
Nicole Wissink
Deputy administrator
0317 - 483539
Eva Meijer
Strategic Communication
- Role of knowledge in communication processes
- Inclusive and sustainable development
- Indigenous knowledge
- Interdisciplinary research